Welcome and thank you for downloading my Emergency Landings!
You are on a long approach to Princess Juliana Intl. when your engines stop. You start to
drop from the sky when shortly after, your engines come back online. You manage to regain
control but now you are speeding to the airport! You cannot afford a go around at risk of
another engine failure. You must get those people back to Earth. It is up to you captain,
good luck...
~ Darryl Forbes - snortingmonkey@yahoo.com ~


To install Emergency Landings, simply unzip this folder and then copy the
sub-folder "Emergency Landings" and navigate to your FS9 main folder, then
your "Flights" folder, and paste the sub-folder into there. Then you are done!
For any questions or comments, just contact me at snortingmonkey@yahoo.com!